Over 50 subjects to choose from
FREE bus pass for 365 days a year
Personal tutor for every student
- A Level 3D Design
- A Level Accounting
- A Level Biology
- A Level Business Studies
- A Level Chemistry
- A Level Computer Science
- A Level Core Maths
- A Level Crimonology
- A Level Economics
- A Level Electronics
- A Level English Language & Literature
- A Level Environmental Science
- A Level Extended Project
- A Level Film Studies
- A Level Financial Studies Certificate
- A Level Fine Art
- A Level French
- A Level Further Mathematics
- A Level Geography
- A Level Graphic Communication
- A Level History
- A Level Italian
- A Level Law
- A Level Maths
- A Level Media Studies
- A Level Philosophy
- A Level Photography
- A Level Physics
- A Level Politics
- A Level Psychology
- A Level Religious Studies
- A Level Sociology
- A Level Spanish
- A Level Textiles
- T Level Digital Design & Development
- T Level Education & Childcare
- T Level Health
- T Level Legal
- T Level Media, Broadcast and Production
- T Level Management and Administration
- BTEC Applied Law
- BTEC Applied Psychology
- BTEC Applied Science (Diploma)
- BTEC Business (Diploma)
- BTEC Engineering
- BTEC Health & Social Care (Certificate/Extended Diploma)
- BTEC Human Biology
- BTEC IT Cambridge Technical Level 3
- BTEC Music Performance
- BTEC Performing Arts
- BTEC Sports Coaching & Development (Extended Diploma)
- BTEC Sports Coaching & Development (National Foundation Diploma)
- BTEC Travel & Tourism

Introducing the bold and brand-new 1,000 sqm STEM centre at Cadbury Sixth Form College!
Due to overwhelming demand for places at Cadbury, our extremely popular Sixth Form College College is expanding further to create a bigger campus space for learners, offering the widest choice of advanced-level and T Level courses in Birmingham.
This exciting programme of expansion is part of a multi-year multi-million-pound investment into our learners’ future, and is the second major phase of our Science City building project. We want to ensure that students can continue to secure a place at their first-choice sixth form and have hands-on access to a wealth of industry-standard equipment.
Come and find out for yourself!

Free Bus Pass
All 16-18 students who enrol with us at Cadbury College will receive a FREE bus pass. We will provide you with a Term Plus Travel Card that allows travel on West Midlands buses. You can travel at any time, including evenings and weekends. The free bus pass is for all students, regardless of circumstances. Cadbury Sixth Form College is serviced by fantastic public transport links across the city of Birmingham and the wider area. This will be renewable termly if you keep up a good record of progress, behaviour and attendance.